!! THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL FIRMWARE, USE AS YOUR OWN RISK !! !! YOU MAY BRICK YOUR DEVICE, IF YOU'RE NOT FOLLOW THIS INSTRUCTION PROPERLY !! :: INSTALLING OPEN-WRT FIRMWARE **************************************************************************************************************** * make sure that device are in original EnGenius firmware V1.5.68.0 prior to upgrade * **************************************************************************************************************** 1.Upgrade to OpenWrt using 'openwrt-ar71xx-generic-(model)-squashfs-factory.bin' with factory firmware WEBGUI 2.After OpenWrt boots enter (user: root, no password) 3.Enjoy OpenWrt on EnGenius AP :: REVERT BACK TO EnGenius FACTORY FIRMWARE **************************************************************************************************************** * make sure that device are in OpenWRT firmware prior to revertion * **************************************************************************************************************** 1.Reset configuration to default by Access 'System->Backup / Flash firmware' menu then, click 'Perform Reset' 2.Telnet to (no user,password) 3.Enable recovery mode, enter 'recovery.sh' 4.Reboot device, enter 'reboot' 5.After device boots enter, re-flash EnGenius official firmware. 6.Enjoy official EnGenius firmware. *** You must clear your browser cache for each firmware switch ***